Enjoy this adorable and FREE add-on for those who have already purchased my Kitsune Bookbag/Backpack Sewing Pattern. The pattern comes in the Mini Size only via this blog

"Try Laughing. Then Whatever Scares You Will Go Away."
I'm sure I'm not the only one that is captured by the charm of My Neighbour Totoro. This is a famously known movie series created by Hayao Miyazaki from Studio Ghibli that revolves around two adorable girls meeting Totoro and his many friends after they move to the countryside. As part of my free backpack series I opted to take a moment to design a simplified version that people can create in a Kawaii style!

With my Kitsune Bag Pattern already purchased you can follow the tutorial provided with it to create the bag while using these FREE Totoro add-ons. If you haven't purchased my Kitsune bag then you likely will not be able to use these free add-ons to achieve the finished result via this blog. The bag pattern was designed originally to have room to actually carry things while still achieving a plush like finish. If you are looking on where to purchase my bag pattern please visit the link below:
Now let's get started with this Free Add-On! You will need to print off the Free Add-On Pattern pieces first. Visit the link below to collect and download the Free-Add-on pattern pieces.
Next let us discuss what you will need material wise to create this Eevee Bag Add-on via the bullet list below:
Minky Fabric (1-2 Colours of Grey + Cream/White) 1/2 Yard
Bag Foam (Bosal or Pellon Brand) 1/2 Yard
#5 Zipper (I prefer to buy a 24" one but you can buy in the yard as well)
Pattern pieces printed and cut out
Embroidery Machine of 5x7 Hoop (No Face Appliqué is discussed in this tutorial - embroidery only)
Embroidery Essentials (Thread Colours, Stabilizer Tear/Cutaway, Watersoluble Stabilizer)
Regular strength 100% Polyester Sewing Thread
Upholstery Strength 100% Polyester Sewing Thread
Hand Sewing Needle
Pins and/or Wonder Clips
Large Sharp Scissors
Optional Materials:
Basting Spray
FINALLY we can jump into the Add-on! For reference when following my Kitsune Bag Pattern - This Free Totoro Add-on jumps into play via the front of the bag. It is best to have your back panel already completed and the gusset with zipper finished. That way assembly is quicker for you.

For this pattern you will need a 5x7 hoop size at least to complete both the face AND belly embroidery.
Hoop some stabilizer and stitch out the Totoro face in the following steps with water soluble stabilizer over top of the grey minky:
Guide Marking - While/Yellow
Eyes/Nose/Mouth - Brown/Black/Grey
Cheeks - Pink/Peach

2. Now re-hoop new stabilizer and let us stitch out the belly file.
First your machine will stitch the guide mark for the pattern piece at the top in blue. Next you can cover the grey fabric in the hoop with white/cream fabric. The machine will stitch a circle tacking it down. Use small scissors to carefully cut around the circle close to the stitching. When ready cover whole area with water soluble stabilizer and stitch in the following order to finish the belly:
Belly Satin Stitching - While/Cream
Belly Markings - Grey/blue
Once the face and body are embroidered you may continue to assemble to front of the bag as per the Kitsune Tutorial.

3. Your embroidered head and belly should look as shown to the left.
I used the guide marks for the middle darts from the embroidery to easily line up the pattern pieces to trace them and then cut them out.

4. You should be able to assemble the front of the bag the same way as the kitsune bag tutorial.
Once prepped the front of the bag should look as shown to the left. At this stage you are ready to sew and prepare Totoro's ears/whiskers.

5. You can easily cut out the new free ear and whisker pattern pieces for the Totoro bag as supplied in the link above. I call these pieces "quick sew" pieces and as such the pattern templates do NOT have seam allowance.
What I do is sandwich two pieces of minky together right sides touching and only trace the pattern template on one side of the sandwiched minky. Make sure to mirror the ear! Then sew around directly on the traced lines on the minky. I don't even use pins for these pieces as my machine glides so quickly around them! Repeat the same process for the whiskers.

6. Carefully cut out the 4 whiskers you should now have + the two ears. Make sure you left openings on one side of each ear! These are very important.

7. Turn all pieces right side out. I find hemostats are my friend for the whiskers ! Easy Peasy with them on hand.

8. Now grab your newly added pattern piece with the strap guide marks on them for the back of the bag. This pattern piece also carries the guide marks for the ear AND whiskers.
By using these guide marks it will ensure your whiskers and ears should be somewhat more even on the bag.

9. Line this pattern piece up on the front of the sewn bag as shown to the left.

10. Move it away from the edge just enough to use a marker to mark where the whiskers/ears should go along the edges.

11. Then you can work your way around the front of the bag basting these parts together via the guide marks you just made! Make sure to use 1/4" seam allowance with 4.0mm stitch length.
I opted to not use any pins and just Baste them quickly into place. Remember that EVERYTHING needs to be facing inwards on the front of the bag and should lay as shown to the left.

12. You can preview what the front of the bag with roughly look like by flipping the pieces you just basted outwards from the middle of the bag!
Isn't he turning out precious?!
At this point in the tutorial you can go back to the Kitsune Bag Sewing pattern and finish assembling the bag. You will sew all the outer pieces together, the bag gusset with zipper and the lining. Once the bag is closed up you can come back to this tutorial for the finishing eevee details.

13. Now that the bag is turned right side out it is time to complete the finishing details! I promise we are almost there and the struggle turning the bag right side out is well worth it!
Take some poly fill stuffing and let us bring those little ears to life. Stuff them to your desired consistency. I personally prefer medium to firm stuffed so they won't accidentally be crushed/bent out of shape with wear.

14. You will suddenly notice when the bag is turned right side out that the ears/whiskers will pull forward. We don't want this at all. To create an easy fix you will now need a hand sewing needle and some thread - I personally use the thicker upholstery thread for my bags.

15. First prepare a fairly long doubled over piece of thread with a hand sewing needle. We can ladder stitch the inside of the ear opening closed nice and neat now that the ear is stuffed. Don't tie a knot yet - instead drive your needle down towards the base of the ear approx 1/4" from the end and pull it out. Now you can secure a knot that will be hidden shortly.

16. For these ears/whiskers on this bag we will be using what I call "Anchor Stitches" to pull and secure parts into place properly.
We can now continue to use our same thread and work across the back of the ear only about 8-10 stitches. As shown to the left you can use these stitches to anchor the ears/whiskers backwards so that they do not flop forward. You may need to go up and down the ear in the same spot a few times moving backwards towards the zipper until you are happy with where the ear is pulled to. These few stitches will prevent the ears from drooping forward like magic. Once stitched into place be sure to tie off a tight knot at the end to secure.

17. Once all whiskers/ears are anchored into place it really brings the whole bag together! <3 Great job!

18. if you wish to use the bonus "leaf" pattern piece to add even more charm to the bag the pattern piece is provided on one of the template pages.
The leaf is super easy! The pattern piece has NO seam allowance on purpose much like the ears and whiskers. Trace out the leaf shape onto the back of 1 piece of minky. Cut around the leaf on the minky in a square. I also would suggest using 3 pieces of minky to give the leaf some added bulk. I opted for minky as I did not have quilting batting on hand. Layer the minky squares so two pieces are right side touching. The third piece just lay on the bottom either way since we are using it for batting only basically.

Any fan will understand immediately why a leaf on the head is often easily associated with this character from the famous screen cap above <3 Okay moving on!

19. So the leaf pattern piece is super easy to make! I didn't even need to use pins. You basically just stitch around the leaf directly on the traced line on the minky. As long as you are catching all layers of minky you don't even need to pin this piece.
Remember to leave a 1" opening somewhere on the leaf!
Cut around it carefully once finished and flip right side out.

20. Once flipped right side out you can then make vein designs onto the leaf with simple straight stitches on your sewing machine. I did this using a 3-3.5mm stitch length.
Also you will need to ladder stitch the opening closed on the leaf!
When you are ready I simply used upholstery thread to secure it onto the front of the bag in a few places. It really brings the bag together for the charming finish! So Adorable!

I hope you enjoyed another free mini bag add-on and enjoy sewing a little neighbour friend for yourself to enjoy! I can't wait to continue to create more free options for this ever expanding bag pattern. Till next time and happy bag making!
Want to check out a few more traditional sewing patterns? I am slowly working on bringing more and more sewing patterns to my shop and not just embroidery patterns! Check out the few I've published below.